When you receive your order, inside the pack will be the card you have chosen, the scratch sticker, an envelope and application instructions. These are all the tools you will need to make your own scratch reveal card.
Start by grabbing a pen and personalising the card. There will be a shape lightly outlined on the card, where the scratch panel will go. Write your desired reveal in that section and fill in the rest of the card with your gift message.
The scratch sticker is provided in your pack, before attempting to apply the sticker, make sure the position where it is being applied is free from dust or particles as this will show as a bump under the sticker. The sticker is slightly bigger that the section on the card, this is to allow room for error.
Skip this step if you have a different shape.
Peel the sticker off the carrier sheet. The scratch heart is slightly different to apply. Use the dip in the heart (as pictured) and line the sticker and card by there, this is the best point to start at to guide the heart over the card correctly. It is better to position yourself over the card so you can see it is lining up.
Peel the sticker off the carrier sheet. It is better to position yourself over the card so you can see the full application. The sticker is slightly bigger than the the panel on the card so overlap it onto the panel slightly.
Pop your finished card into it's envelope and watch as the memory unfolds and they reveal their surprise!
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